• Novel Survey on Detection of DDoS Attack Using Traceback Technique in VoIP Networks

R. Thandeeswaran, Asha A., N. Jeyanthi*


DDoS attack in internet and Voice-over-IP network can be detected using IP traceback mechanism. VoIP is the technology to transport voice communication over IP network. Such as internet which is capable of making telephone calls over packet switching network. It exploits advance voice compression technique and bandwidth sharing in packet switching network. VoIP works on IP backbone hence it also vulnerable to all types of attacks and internet is susceptible with.

Among these, DDoS plays a vital role and has major impact on its performance. The goal of IP traceback is to trace the path of an IP packet to its origin. DDoS is a distributed collaborative large scale dos attack which attack on a wide range of subtle. It’s very easy to implement and difficult to prevent and trace.

The goal of distributed denial of service attack is to deny legitimate users access to a particular resource. This is done by exploitation system weakness or adding computational system overload or by misusing a protocol. Proper network configuration made DoS attack difficult to accomplish. This paper presents a survey on the existing mechanisms and an analysis on their merits and demerits.


VoIP, DDoS, Traceback

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