Anupama Gupta*


21st century skills refer to the abilities to think critically, to collaborate, to create, to manage information, to apply technology and to continue to learn. According to National Council of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM), (2000), “technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances student’s learning. Teacher’s attitude plays an important role in using technology in teaching and learning mathematics”. Teaching mathematics can no longer focus just on teaching procedures, students need to know why they are doing and what they are doing? They need to understand the process of math. The teacher must start to realize that “Attitude, Skill, Knowledge & Creativity” are the four essential component that work separately, but together like the four legs of the horse or four wheels of car.


Computer algebra system (CAS), GeoGebra, Geometer sketchpad, Graphic calculator, Maple, Auto graph, e-transformation, tele-teaching, tele-conferencing,

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