Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) is peer review online Monthly Journal.

Journal Publishes Original reviews, Original research articles and short communications.

The scope of the journal is to meet the need of Mathematics & Acedmic Science. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specification.

Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review open Access. Manuscripts could be submitted online from http://www.ijma.info

Character of the publications:

• Areas of basic Mathematical topics
• Mathematical research
• Areas of advanced Mathematics
• Pure Mathematics
• Applied Mathematics
• Methodology
• Mathematical statement
• General concepts
• Mathematical objects
• Equations named after people
• About Mathematics
• Mathematical Computing research


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Mathematical Section

Mathematical Section

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Compuer Science & Engineering Section

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Review Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Research Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Science Section

Science Section

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Engineering Section

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Short Communication

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Editorial Policies • Focus and Scope • Section Policies • Peer Review process • Publication Frequency • Author Self-Archiving • Archiving Focus and Scope The International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) is published Monthly Journal of Mathematical Science and Computing. Journal Publishes Original reviews, Original research articles and short communications. The scope of the journal is to meet the need of Mathematical Science and Computing. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specification. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review. Manuscripts could be submitted online from http://www.ijma.info Character of the publications: Character of the publications: • Areas of basic Mathematical topics • Mathematical research • Areas of advanced Mathematics • Pure Mathematics • Applied Mathematics • Methodology • Mathematical statement • Mathematical Geosciences • Mathematical Physics • General concepts • Mathematical objects • Mathematical Economics • Financial Mathematics • Equations named after people • About Mathematics • Physical sciences • Science and policy • Scientific community • Statistics • Bio statistics • Mathematical Computing research Section Policies Articles Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed Mathematical Science and Computing This section of will contain all the articles of Mathematical Science and Computing will be published along with every issue time to time. all the authors are requested to follow the author guideline and other policies. Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed Letter to editor This section of will contain all the LETTER which peoples will write to editor and will be published along with every issue time to time. all the authors are requested to follow the author guideline and other policies. Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed Review articles This section of will contain all the REVIEW articles and will be published along with every issue time to time. all the authors are requested to follow the author guideline and other policies. Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed Research articles This section of will contain all the Research articles will be published along with every issue time to time. all the authors are requested to follow the author guideline and other policies. Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed Short Notes This section of will contain all the SHORT NOTES will be published along with every issue time to time. all the authors are requested to follow the author guideline and other policies. Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed Peer Review Process Scientific development requires the exchange and discussion of data and ideas. International Journal of Mathematical Archive is a unique publication dedicated to presenting the results of scientific and technical research from Mathematical science and computing discipline in an open-access background. The peer review of each article concentrates on objective and technical concerns to determine whether the research has been sufficiently well conceived, well executed, and well described to justify inclusion in the scientific evidence. Then, after publication, all papers are opened up for interactive discussions and evaluation in which the whole scientific and research community can be involved. Unlike many journals which attempt to use the peer review process to determine whether or not an article reaches the level of 'importance' required by a given journal, International Journal of Mathematical Archive uses peer review to determine whether a paper is technically sound and worthy of inclusion in the published scientific record. Once the work is published in International Journal of Mathematical Archive, the broader community is then able to discuss and estimate the significance of the articles. To provide open access, Open Access International Journal of Mathematical Archive use a business model in which our expenses—including those of peer review, journal production, and online hosting and archiving—are recovered in part by charging a publication fee to the authors or research sponsors for each article they publish. For International Journal of Mathematical Archive the publication fee is mentioned in the subscription section of International Journal of Mathematical Archive. We also offer a complete or partial fee waiver for few authors who do not have funds to cover publication fees. Editors and reviewers have no access to payment information, and hence inability to pay will not influence the decision to publish a paper. These policies ensure that the fee is never a barrier to publication. International Journal of Mathematical Archive staff do not copyedit the text of accepted manuscripts; it is therefore important for the work, as presented, to be intelligible. Perfect, stylish English is not essential but the language must be clear and unambiguous. If the language of a paper is poor, International Journal of Mathematical Archive reviewer should recommend that authors seek independent editorial help before submission of a revision. Poor presentation and language is a justifiable reason for rejection. Please note the authors When submitting an article, all authors are asked to indicate that they have not submitted a related manuscript for publication elsewhere. If similar or related work has been submitted elsewhere, then a copy must be included with the article submitted. Reviewers will be asked to comment on the overlap between related submissions. Before submitting your manuscript, please collect information on the sources of funding that have supported the work. When you submit, you will be required to provide a statement in the online submission system or in manuscript text declaring the funding sources, and also stating the role of the study sponsor(s), if any, in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the paper; and decision to submit it for publication. Please also include the following statement, if pertinent: "The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript." If this statement is not correct you must amend it as needed. Publication Frequency IJMA will be published monthly. All the rights are reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research or personal study, or any critical suggestion or review, no part of the publication can be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without prior permission of the editor, IJMA. IJMA and /or its publisher /or editorial members cannot be held responsible for any error or for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this journal. The soft copy of the article will be delivered through e mail only to the affiliated authors/institutes. If the copies of article/articles returns, due to incomplete or incorrect or changed e- mails of the authors, in such cases the authors/institutes will be responsible for updating the correct e-mail address. It will be illegal to acquire copies of articles of IJMA from other sources; one cannot resale or give away the copy of articles of IJMA for the commercial or library purpose. Author Self-Archiving IJMA permits and encourages authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites or institutional repositories both prior to and after publication, while providing bibliographic details that credit, if applicable, its publication in this journal. Archiving IJMA utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.


Publication Frequency



Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


About the Journal

International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA)

The International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) is peer review online open Access Monthly Journal of Mathematics & Acedmic Science Professenals.

Journal Publishes Original reviews, Original research articles and short communications. The scope of the journal is to meet the need of Mathematics & Acedmic Science. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specification. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission.  The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review. Manuscripts could be submitted online from http://www.ijma.info

Character of the publications:

  • Areas of basic Mathematical topics
  • Mathematical research
  • Areas of advanced Mathematics
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Methodology
  • Mathematical statement
  • General concepts
  • Mathematical objects
  • Equations named after people
  • About Mathematics
  • Mathematical Computing research

Editor in chief

International Journal of Mathematical Archive

E-mail: editorijma@gmail.com



About the Journal

International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) is peer review online Monthly Journal. Journal Publishes Original reviews, Original research articles and short communications. The scope of the journal is to meet the need of Mathematics & Acedmic Science Professionals. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specification. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review. Manuscripts could be submitted online from http://www.ijma.info Character of the publications: Acedmic Science • Areas of basic Mathematical topics • Mathematical research • Areas of advanced Mathematics • Pure Mathematics • Applied Mathematics • Methodology • Mathematical statement • General concepts • Mathematical objects • Equations named after people • About Mathematics • Statistics • Biostatistics • Physical sciences • Science and policy • Mathematical Computing research Visit: http://www.ijma.info Editor- in- chief: International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) E-mail: editorijma@gmail.com