Ms. Mansi Mhaske*, Ms. Mayuri Sawant, Ms. Ekta Bhattad, Ms. Amruta Gaikwad, Prof. Manoj Mulik


In today's life going to malls for shopping is increasing rapidly. People take the item and put it into trolley. After done with shopping they go for billing at the Billing counter but as there are many people standing in Queue for billing purpose, so lots of time is required for the individuals for billing because of existing barcode technology. To reduce this time, we are proposed a system based on NFC technology [5]. The system contains the items attached with NFC tag, android phone having NFC reader which reads the tag information when put into the trolley. Then this information is send to main billing server which calculates the total number of purchased items and sends the calculated bill to the device attached to trolley for displaying it on display of smart phone. Along with this system we are implementing an Android application for rewarding facility. The application is based on the trolley number and total number of purchased items.


Client/Server, NFC, Embedded System, Android mobile phone, NFC Reader, Productivity time, Supermarket, Bar code Scanner, Sensor.

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