K. Hari Kumar*, P. Sekar, R. Ramanarayanan, India.


Manpower planning is concerned with matching the supply of people with the jobs available in any organization. Every year, during the months of appraisal, organizations record high rates of employee turnover. Due to various reasons, manpower employed leaves the system periodically. Loss of manpower also occurs due to dismissal and death of employees. This loss of manpower has to be compensated by suitable recruitment. But, recruitment cannot be made frequently since it involves cost. Also recruitment of new employment of new employees and giving them training to suit the needs of the organization works out to be costlier than retaining the available employees. Hence the human Resource Department has to be alert and avoid manpower loss due to resignations. There is a maximum amount of loss of manpower that can be permitted in the organization which is called the threshold beyond which the manpower system of the organization reaches a point of break down. In this paper the concept of Human Resource Department alertness and find the joint Laplace Stieltjes transform of time to recruit (T) and recruitment time(R) is introduced. Their expectations are presented with numerical illustrations.


Manpower Planning, Manpower system. Shortage, Cumulative Shortage Process, Alertness, Human Resource Department.

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